2010. november 2., kedd

Saját kenyér - My home made bread...

Tudom, hogy ez egy foltvarrós blog, de nem csak a varrományaimra vagyok néha büszke :o), hanem arra is, amit a konyhámban alkotok.

A múlt héten szabadságon voltam, és többször sütöttem kenyeret -kenyérsütőgép nélkül, mivel az nincs, de úgy látom, nem is szükséges :o)

Szétnéztem a főzős blogokban, és nekiálltam.
Ez a harmadik kenyerem.
Ma egy picike búzakorpát adtam a liszthez, nagyon finom lett.
Nem lett túl nagy, de nem is baj, lényeg, hogy finom, de ami a legfontosabb számomra : tudom, hogy mi van benne - és ez nagyon megnyugtat :o)

Látod , Anyukám?

I know that this is a patchwork blog, but I am proud of my home made bread too, that I baked in my kitchen today without a bread maker.
Last week I wasn't working, and I made some bread.
This is my 3rd bread, with wheat meal, I think it is very delicious, but the most important thing is : I know what is it contains...- and this is calm me down ...

9 megjegyzés:

  1. Igazán guszta lett!

    Mi is lassan már több mint 2,5 éve saját sütésű kenyereket eszünk, igaz én kenyér sütővel készítem :)

  2. Köszönöm Kata...
    Régen nekem is volt gépem, de elromlott.
    De rájöttem, hogy nem csak géppel lehet készíteni, és mivel régebben is nagyon szerettem a "saját kenyeret", gondoltam kipróbálom.
    Olyan klassz újra jó ízét érezni a kenyérnek...:o)

  3. Hello! I found you from A Country Farmhouse blog. You make such beautiful things. I do some sewing, but your work is very nice. My sister sews. I will direct her to your blog as well.
    Nice to meet you!
    I would like your bread recipe. I love trying new recipes.

  4. Nagyon szép kenyérke, méltán lehetsz rá büszke :)

  5. Dear Farmer's Wyfe!

    Thank you for your visit, I am so happy about it! You and your sister welcome here...:o)
    Thank you for your commendations!

    The bread recipe is very simple:

    500 g flour
    3-5 spoon wheat meal
    2,5 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon sugar
    20 g yeast
    3,5 dl lukewarm water

    When you bake it, it is important to take a bowl with a little water aside the raised bread.

    I hope my writing is understandable.

    Nice to meet you!!


  6. Thank you very much! Do you mean to put a bowl with a little water into the oven with the bread as it cooks? Does this make it more moist? I've never done that. But I've not had much success with bread yet.

  7. Dear Farmer's Wyfe!

    Yes, the water needs because of the moist.
    The bread's skin ( or peel, I don't know what is the right word )will be hard without the moist.

    I am happy if I can help you :o) !
    Did you show my blog to your sister?
    Does your sister have a patchwork blog?

    Best wishes: Ágota

  8. Hello again,
    No, I have not talked to my sister lately, but I will remember to mention it to her when I speak to her the beginning of this coming week. She does lots of sewing, but her blog is not just about sewing. I know she would enjoy seeing your sewing though!
    Thanks for explaining the bread. I look forward to trying it soon!

  9. Dear Tonya!

    I would like to see your sister's blog, if it is possible.
    Can you give me her blog's address?

    I am happy about our contact :O)

    Have a nice week : Ágota
